Podcasts and Other Brain "Food"

With web development, I have found a way to bridge the gap between my creative talent, my love for technology, and my technical skill. When not in school, I have been listening to podcasts centered on web development. I started with the Start Here podcast, which starts out with very basic HTML knowledge and quickly ramps up to include frameworks, back-end development, and back-end programming languages such as Python, Ruby, and PHP. From there, I moved on to the Code Newbie podcast and listened to all 87 episodes, which focuses mostly on web development but also talks occasionally about hardware programming and mobile development, such as iOS and Android applications. I have learned quite a bit this way and every week the host, Saron, and her guest do shout-outs for projects they are involved in or interesting websites and technology they recently found.

I am now listening to the ChangeLog, which funny enough just did a crossover podcast with Saron from Code Newbie. I am only about six episodes into their podcast but they dive deeper into specific web frameworks and technology. I continue to listen out for other interesting podcasts, websites, or books that will quench the insatiable thirst I have.